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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Abi,Iman,Ibu dan Bandung


reveal baby name insyaallah iman namanya..heheh..after a few discussion with abi...

last month ibu+abi went to bandung for our second honeymoon..abi met ibu's fren YANA di sana...hehe..travelling with baby make ibu + abi morecarefull with eating + trasportation...

ibu loves to eat durian icecream there, with taste of real durian..(fruits that abi wont allowed ibu eat at Malaysia)..its really me!

in term of transportation...Yana always acommpany us with her ANGKUTAN KOTA....hahaha..abi risau when ibu duduk tepi pintu, his eyes keep watching ibu..hahahah..

even we quarrel some time about the taxi fees..we manage to recover back..abi be patience to ibu..that makes i really love him....but ibu dont know until when abi will be as patience as this..he really nice guy then!! (credit sebab puji abi)...even i made him mad sometimes with my answer....he really cool type..that make me love him more each day...

there's a story behind out journey to bandung, but we manage to handle from unknown people+frens reallly make abi+ibu thing its our REZKI...rezki with this marriage+baby iman...ibu dapat rezki berkahwin dgn lelaki sebaik abi...mungkin terlalu awal untuk memberi kredit pd abi...kerna dlm perkahwinan kdg2 byk dugaan nya...perkahwinan ini terlalu percayalah..Allah sentiasa menguji umatnya dengan pelbagai cara..ttp hadiah yg Allah pinjamkan pada ibu, iaitu suami yg baik ini..adalah yg terbaik...selain mendapat seorang mama yg baik..mendidik ibu...

mungkin ibu bukan isteri yg ibu cuba akan jg abi+baby iman sebaik+seumur hayat ibu ada....

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